
Bob Holmes is an evangelist who goes to great lengths to channel converts and contacts through the local church. He preached both
Sunday services and our people were greatly encouraged, challenged, and motivated to go out and reach others for Christ. His strong preaching is matched well with his very obvious love for kids and families.
Dr. Wayne Dartez

Bob is a powerful preacher of the Word of God and I would recommend you act fast on bringing Evangelist Bob Holmes into your area.
Bob has a unique way of getting into public school assembly programs during revival meetings and other church conferences that can bring the whole community together.

Hello, my name is Evangelist Bob Holmes.
I would like to briefly explain my ministry that I've had over the last 40 years. I believe it may be a blessing to your church.
After salvation, I was called to be an evangelist to encourage churches and save souls. Eph 4:11
When I was 28 years old, the Lord gave me the unique idea to spread the Gospel through volleyball as well as evangelism!
I started by playing volleyball by myself against a team. One day, the Lord put on my heart to turn this into a ministry to reach public schools along with the Revival meetings.
Forty years later, to God be the glory, I've been in over 6,000 public schools playing volleyball, inviting students with their families to attend an evening gospel rally at a gym rented out by a local church where the town is invited to an exhibition.
God ultimately knows, but thousands have made professions of salvation.
Because God has called me first to be an evangelist, I always preach in your church for Revival meetings, but prayerfully we could tie in what I do in schools to reach many souls.
If you are interested, please watch the links below for more information about my ministry.
Dear Bob,
When you came to my school, I was about to end my life. I did not have any thing left to do except take up space in everyone's daily lives. I felt useless. I was going to end my life on my birthday which is coming up in September. I had already made preparations. It was only a matter of time. On my birthday I asked Christ to save me instead of ending it all. I would like you to share my story with everyone else. Just keep motivating.
- Your Newest Friend,
Dear Bob,
I was planning my death a few nights ago, and prior to meeting you today, I cut my wrist twice Tuesday night. However, I'm not the least bit ashamed to say that I will no longer continue to self-mutilate because of your message. All my life, I've just wanted to meet someone who showed that they truly care whether I'm alive or if I just disappear suddenly. You, sir, have shown me that there is hope IN CHRIST and staying alive is worth it.
- Forever thankful,
A Student
Below is a sermon I preached at Crown College entitled
"Take a trip to the lake of fire with our tour guide Jesus"
Dr. Clarence Sexton is my Pastor.

Bob Holmes Outreach
Evangelist Bob Holmes has one of the most unique ministries in all of the United States. His message of salvation and the gospel is able to be shared not only in churches across the nation, but also in public schools.
the number of people that Bob has spoken to in person and shared his message
the number of public venues where Bob has been able to share his message
the number of professions of faith made under Bob Holmes' preaching

How Bob Shares the Gospel With your Community
Church Meetings
Community Rallies
Bring Bob to your church as a guest speaker for a weekly service, conference or revival. Bob Holmes delivers challenging and spirit-filled messages that move the hearts of people. God uses Bob as an evangelist to reach people all across the United States, this is how Bob has been able to speak to over 6,000,000 people throughout the duration of his outreach ministry. Bob knows that if it weren't for God's blessing on his ministry then his ministry would never have been able to be as fruitful as it is today. Bob has been privileged and blessed by the Lord to be allowed to speak in hundreds of churches across the United States and would be honored to come and speak to your congregation and stir the hearts of your people.
Community rallies are the way that God has used Bob to reach the most people through his unique gift of athletics and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Bringing Bob to your community through a rally is one of the greatest opportunities a church will ever have to reach people across their area. Before Bob speaks at your rally (held in your church's gym or in a local school's gym) he performs a volleyball exhibition: him against everyone else. This sets Bob up to get the attention of the members of your community and to bring them to your event. This is a tool used to bring sinners and lost people to a rally in your community to reach them with the Gospel! The talent that God has gifted Bob with is how Bob's ministry has seen over 100,000 people come to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for your interest in connecting with us. How may we serve you? If you provide your contact info or email us, we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. 91O.988.O865